Fort Salem Witching Hour
Fort Salem Witching Hour
S3E04 - President Wade Gets Some
In this episode, we get a variety of interesting pairings: some spicy (Nicte/Scylla), some sweet (Adil sexy dancing for Abigail), some sexy (Wade/Marshall), and some just packed with raw, unclassifiable chemistry (Tally and all her scene partners). Tally and M have a particularly nice moment where M discusses the difficulty navigating a witch world divided along gender lines as a non-binary person.
Meanwhile, the pairing of Anacostia and Sterling attend a very un-fun party, where they're made to fight to the death against other witches. Things get very stabby.
The Camarilla make their next move, as newly sworn in President Silver appoints a civilian oversight committee to make the witches' lives that much more miserable. I can't wait for Wade to come back and crush this bug, y'all.
Finally, Tally has visions of the future, and things like a little too explode-y for Raelle for my taste.